Beer and Theology London
by Graham Kings
Date added: 12/12/2020
In 2016, I founded the informal, monthly, Friday seminar 'Beer and Theology' (@BeerandTheology) at the Angel Pub, Rotherhithe, near Bermondsey, on the south bank of the River Thames, London.
Two items on the agenda: drink beer (or another preference); discuss theology.
It meets on Fridays, 6.30-8.00pm.
Opposite, on north bank of the Thames, the Centre for Theology and Community and the Hurtado Jesuit Centre, joined Fulcrum in co-sponsoring it.
It is now organised by Guido de Graaff and Deborah Halling and is open to all. Just turn up.
email: beerandtheologylondon@gmail.com
The list of dates, speakers and subjects is here.

© 2025 Graham Kings / Melchior