

Date added: 29/05/2020


Acts 18.1-4, 24-28; Romans 16.3-4

Painting by Silvia Dimitrova - Priscillaby Silvia Dimitrova


Who is this woman,

Pure eyes, profoundly rounded,

Beautiful face, honourably tilted,

Open hands releasing dove?


Who is this man,

Noble head, bearded attractive,

Working hands, intently attentive.

Inclined together, touching love?


Who are these men,

Weighing a letter, ponderingly,

Carrying a scroll, inscrutably,

Trees and windows hovering above?


Four converge on Ephesus,

Silver shrine of Artemis,

Expound the word of God

And form a church at home in love.


Priscilla and Aquila,

Refugees from Roman Emperor,

Host to Paul at Corinth and Ephesus,

Fellow workers in Christ and canvas,

More accurately explain the Way

To the Jew of Alexandria.


Apollos, eloquent and scriptural,

Burning and enthusing,

Knowing now the Holy Spirit,

Crosses over to Corinth

And causes chaos. Perhaps

Composes letter to Hebrews?


Paul writes to church at Corinth,

Settling contending leaders.

Paul sows, Apollos waters,

God gives the growth.

Ironically, rhetorically,

Cross empties eloquence.


Priscilla and Aquila return to Rome,

Hosting the body of Christ in their home.


© Graham Kings, Nourishing Connections (Canterbury Press, 2020).

First published on Covenant June 2016 and also on Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion.