
The Cost of Living

Date added: 29/05/2020


       Luke 18:18-30


In the world, the ruler can buy his own way

with influence, riches and law:

For the kingdom, the cost is too high to pay -

joining the life of God’s poor.

Trust and interest in temporary wealth

do infinite damage to eternal health:

Trust in the King, interest in the poor,

make future heavenly treasure sure.


The rising cost of living,

solidarity and care,

Means the only rule for giving

is “more than you can spare”.


But just when you reckon

the rich are so depraved

and, possessed by their possession,

they’re unable to be saved,

Right through the needle’s eye

Zaccheus gallops apace.


As much as you may try,

there’s no accounting for grace.


© Graham Kings, Nourishing Connections (Canterbury Press, 2020).

first published in Theology 120.4 July/Aug 2017.