
The Resistance Movement

Date added: 29/05/2020


         Luke 13:18-21


Ask for a clear definition,

he’ll reply with a story or two;

Not what the kingdom is,

but what it’s likened to.


It all begins so small,

Yet ends up being tall;

It starts by being hidden,

and ends when all is risen.


In a Galilean synagogue,

a Jewish rabbi

heals the crippled and weak;

In a Wittenberg study,

a German monk

wrestles with Romans in Greek;

In an Alabama bus,

a black woman

sticks to her white-reserved seat;

In a Calcutta slum,

an Albanian nun

nurses a beggar in the street.


The seed is sown,

fermenting begun;

Though hardly known,

the kingdom has come.


Yet it is not complete:

so discern and trace

What is going on

in what is taking place.


© Graham Kings, Nourishing Connections (Canterbury Press, 2020).

First published on the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion website, Jan 2017