
Trinity Litany

Date added: 29/05/2020



In the beginning, mission in communion:

The Father sent the Son and the Spirit.


God spoke his word through

Melchizedek and Hagar,

Rahab and Ruth,

Balaam and Naaman,

Jethro and Job.


Together they are sent:

Together we are sent.


God spoke his word through

Woman of Samaria,

Roman soldier,

Woman of Phoenicia,

Caesarea centurion.


Together they are sent:

Together we are sent.


God spoke his word through

Monica of Africa,

Ajayi Crowther,

Abdul Masih,

Pandita Ramabai,

Watchman Nee.


Together they are sent:

Together we are sent.


From the beginning, mission in communion.

‘The Father sent me: I send you.’

Receive the Spirit:

the Spirit of release.


Until the end, Holy Communion.

Our hearts are fed, by Christ by faith,

We proclaim his death, until he comes.


Maranatha, Alleluia: Alleluia, Amen.

Maranatha, Alleluia: Alleluia, Amen.


© Graham Kings, Nourishing Connections (Canterbury Press, 2020).

First published as ‘Limuru Litany’ on Fulcrum June 2014, also on Spiritual Journeys and Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion.