Articles / Chapters        

Articles / chapters on...

20. Blessings and Meetings: Matthew 5 and 25

29/06/2024    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

My imaginative exploration of the links between the Beatitudes of Christ (Matthew 5) and Christ hidden in his missionary disciples (Matthew 25) intersperced with four of my recent poems. Published originally on Covenant 18 and 19 June 2024.


19. Extraordinary Easters

17/04/2024    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

I remember, and reflect on, three extraordinary Easters in 1986 (Kajiado, Kenya), 2010 (Salisbury Cathedral) and 2023 (Chesterton, Cambridge). Published first on Covenant 4 April 2024 and republished with permission.


Esther, St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge 26 Sept 2021

05/10/2021    from Sermons

Graham Kings

My sermon at St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge on Sunday 26 September 2021, 10am, expounding the Book of Esther. The Old Testament reading was Esther 4.6-17.


5. Women in the Bible

23/01/2021    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

The journey of a multi-artform project - art, poetry and music - inspired by seven biblical women, from commission to publication and performance. 


4. Three Popes

09/12/2020    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

In my Ponderings for December 2020, I reflect on the three most recent popes, John Paul II, Benedict XVI and Francis, by interweaving comment, poetry, and autobiography. The article was published originally on Covenant, the weblog of The Living Church, on 8 Dec 2020, and is republished here with permission and thanks.


1. Nourishing Connections: Introducing the Website

06/09/2020    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

In this, the first of my Ponderings, I introduce this new website, 'Nourishing Connections: theology, mission, poetry'.


Living in Time with the Rhythm of the Church's Year, Oct 2008

31/07/2020    from The Times

Graham Kings

Graham Kings, Vicar of St Mary's Islington, was commissioned by The Times to write the Saturda 'Credo' column on 11 Oct 2008, on his new book, Signs and Seasons: a guide to your spiritual journey (Canterbury Press, 2008).


Poetry in Mission 18 Guidelines Bible Study Notes

04/06/2020    from Bible Reading Notes

Graham Kings

This is the third series of Bible Study Notes which I was invited to write for Guidelines (Bible Reading Fellowship, 2000).


Women in the Bible Retreat

28/01/2020    from Fulcrum Articles

Graham Kings

A retreat at Launde Abbey led by Graham Kings with seven paintings of Women in the Bible by Silvia Dimitrova, seven poems expounding them by Graham Kings and seven anthems based on the paintings and poems by Tristan Latchford.


Incarnational Poetry: Interweavings Number 16, December 2016

27/12/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

Bishop Graham's Interweavings for December focuses on poems and what they tell us about the Incarnation. 

