Mission Theology Articles
My other articles on the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion site, which were not my monthly Interweavings.
Remembering, Thinking, Imagining: Augustine, Anselm, and Rowan
28/06/2018 from Mission Theology Articles

In prose and poetry, I explore the concepts of 'remembering' with Augustine, 'thinking' with Anselm, and 'imagining' with Rowan Williams.

Owing a debt to Owen Chadwick (1916-2015)
29/07/2015 from Mission Theology Articles

Reflections on the life, work, quotations and influence of Owen Chadwick, doyen of British historians and Master of Selwyn College, Cambridge, for 27 years.

The Mission of God and the Future of the Anglican Communion
26/06/2015 from Mission Theology Articles

An address given at the lunch organised by the Center for Anglican Communion Studies (VTS) and the Compass Rose Society at General Convention of The Episcopal Church, Salt Lake City, Friday 26 June 2015

Raising up the Voices of new 'Doctors of the Church'
19/06/2015 from Mission Theology Articles

The faith background of Graham Kings and the priorities of the post of Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, published originally in Anglican World, the magazine of the Communion and republished with permission.

Cardinal Kasper and Vatican II: Ecclesiological Investigations
18/06/2015 from Mission Theology Articles

Consideration of Cardinal Walter Kasper's book The Catholic Church, commentary on his address at the recent Conference on Vatican II at Georgetown University, and part of the text of a key Vatican II document on Unity and Communion. This article was originally published on Covenant and is republished with permission.