Articles / Chapters
21. Extraordinary Women of the Bible Guildford Exhibition 29 Oct -17 Nov 2024
25/10/2024 from Ponderings

From 29 Oct to 17 Nov 2024 there will be an exhibition, 'Extraordinary Women of the Bible' at St Mary's Church, Guildford, Surrey, of Silvia Dimitrova's 7 paintings and Graham Kings's 7 poems. On 15 Nov, 7.30pm, there will be concert of Tristan Latchford's 7 anthems on the poems and paintings.

15. World Premiere in Wren's Church, St Stephen, Walbrook
25/04/2023 from Ponderings

I describe the excitement of commissioning a short film to be made by Fugue State Films of the world premiere of Tristan Latchford’s seven anthems, ‘Celebrating Women in the Bible’, 14 June 2023, at Wren’s masterwork of a parish church, St Stephen’s Walbrook, London. Published originally 24 April 2023 on Covenant here.

Priscilla, Chester Cathedral, 24 Oct 2021
10/11/2021 from Sermons

My sermon at Chester Cathedral on Sun 24 Oct 2021, 10am, expounding the biblical story, and painting by Silvia Dimitrova, of Priscilla. The reading was Acts 18: 1-4, 24-28. It may be seen on YouTube here, starting 30 minutes in.

Esther, St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge 26 Sept 2021
05/10/2021 from Sermons

My sermon at St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge on Sunday 26 September 2021, 10am, expounding the Book of Esther. The Old Testament reading was Esther 4.6-17.

Icons: an Evangelical Anglican Perspective, Mar 2009
31/07/2020 from The Times

Graham Kings was invited by the Vicar of St Peter's Eaton Square, London, Nick Papadopulos (now Dean of Salisbury) to give a lecture, on 10 Mar 2009, celebrating the new icon of the cross which the church commissioned by Silvia Dimitrova. He discussed his visits to Yugoslavia and the work of John V Taylor. A shortened version was published in The Times on 12 Mar 2009.

Sarah the Mother of Mission: Interweavings No 11, July 2016
25/07/2016 from Mission Theology Interweavings

Bishop Graham spoke on Sarah as the Mother of Mission, using Genesis 18 and the painting by Silvia Dimitrova, at Durham Cathedral and Lambeth Palace for the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project.

Women in the Bible: Interweavings No 10 June 2016
27/06/2016 from Mission Theology Interweavings

Bishop Graham introduces his missional project creating seven iconic paintings of women in the Bible, working with Silvia Dimitrova, a Bulgarian Orthodox icon writer based in Bath.

Art, Poetry and Mission, Sept 2016
01/01/2015 from The Times

Credo article in The Times on the series of seven paintings 'Women in the Bible' by Silvia Dimitrova, published originally as 'Inspiring people to pray is quite literally a work of art'.