The Times
Articles written for The Times.
Influence of a Great Anglican: Simon Barrington-Ward, Jan 2022
12/02/2022 from The Times

'Influence of great Anglican crossed culture and creed', my Credo article 22 Jan 2022, commissioned by The Times, on Simon Barrington-Ward, including mention of Exchange of Gifts: The Vision of Simon Barrington-Ward (Ekklesia, 2022) edited by me and Ian Randall.

Living in Time with the Rhythm of the Church's Year, Oct 2008
31/07/2020 from The Times

Graham Kings, Vicar of St Mary's Islington, was commissioned by The Times to write the Saturda 'Credo' column on 11 Oct 2008, on his new book, Signs and Seasons: a guide to your spiritual journey (Canterbury Press, 2008).

The Islington Passion: Wooden and Silk Body of Christ, April 2009
31/07/2020 from The Times

The Ecumenical Procession up Upper Street, Islington, London on Good Friday 2009, culminated in St Mary's Church. A silk parachute was strung across scaffolding in the form of a crucified man. After the deposition, it wrapped the tree trunk Zimbabewean sculpture and was buried under the altar.

Icons: an Evangelical Anglican Perspective, Mar 2009
31/07/2020 from The Times

Graham Kings was invited by the Vicar of St Peter's Eaton Square, London, Nick Papadopulos (now Dean of Salisbury) to give a lecture, on 10 Mar 2009, celebrating the new icon of the cross which the church commissioned by Silvia Dimitrova. He discussed his visits to Yugoslavia and the work of John V Taylor. A shortened version was published in The Times on 12 Mar 2009.

English Monk Who Encouraged the Ministry of Women, Jan 2015
31/01/2015 from The Times

Credo article in The Times on the influence of St Stephen Harding, monk of Sherborne Abbey and third Abbot of Cîteaux who mentored St Bernard of Clairvaux.

Art, Poetry and Mission, Sept 2016
01/01/2015 from The Times

Credo article in The Times on the series of seven paintings 'Women in the Bible' by Silvia Dimitrova, published originally as 'Inspiring people to pray is quite literally a work of art'.