Articles / Chapters        

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Nourishing Memories Chap 9: Called to be Missionaries

08/10/2024    from Nourishing Memories

Graham Kings

Continuing my memoir, ‘Nourishing Memories’, in Chapter 9, ‘Called to be Missionaries’. I describe the BBC Radio interview which led to Alison and I becoming members of the Church Missionary Society, our call, training in Birmingham and preparations for moving to Kenya.

Republished with permission from Covenant: link to original, 7 Oct 2024, is hereFor other chapters of Nourishing Memories, see the Contents Page here.


Anglican Mission

02/01/2024    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

My chapter 13 in David Hilborn and Simo Frestadius (eds), Anglicans and Pentecostals in Dialogue (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2023), republished with permission.


Kings Family CMS Link Letter 7, Sept 1987

28/12/2023    from CMS Link Letters

Graham Kings

In our seventh CMS Link Letter from Kabare, Kenya, I describe the international consultation of mission theologians at St Andrew's Institute and the consecration of Embu Cathedral.


Kings Family CMS Link Letter 3, Feb 1986

23/12/2023    from CMS Link Letters

Graham Kings

In our third CMS Link Letter from Kabare, Kenya, I describe an extraordinary Confirmation Service in the semi-arid area of Epinding.


Kings Family CMS Link Letter 2, Dec 1985

22/12/2023    from CMS Link Letters

Graham Kings

In our second CMS Link Letter from Kabare, Kenya, I describe the 75th anniversary celebration of the gospel coming to Kabare in 1910.


Kings Family CMS Link Letter 1, Sept 1985

21/12/2023    from CMS Link Letters

Graham Kings

In our first CMS Link Letter from Kabare, Kenya, I describe our first impressions of living in the fertile foothills of Mount Kenya at 6,000 feet.


Between Two Homes: Reflections of a Returning Mission Partner

08/09/2023    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

When we were on leave in the UK for six months (Aug 1988 to Jan 1989), between our two terms of service with CMS at Kabare in Kenya, Harry Moore, the General Secretary of the Church Missionary Society, asked me to write the CMS Newsletter for July/August 1989. Since only General Secretaries wrote the Newsletter, this was entitled an Occasional Paper.


Mission and the Meeting of Faiths: Max Warren and John V. Taylor

02/08/2023    from Meeting of Faiths

Graham Kings

My chapter studies the interweaving theologies of mission of Max Warren and John V. Taylor, who, as successive General Secretaries of the CMS, had such a profound influence on the worldwide Anglican Communion and in particular its inter-faith relations. It was published originally in Kevin Ward and Brian Stanley (eds), The Church Mission Society and World Christianity, 1799-1999 (Eerdmans, 2000) and then in Graham Kings, Nourishing Mission: Theological Settings (Brill, 2022).


Afterword to 'Growth and Decline in the Anglican Communion' edited by David Goodhew

28/07/2023    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

My Afterword to David Goodhew (ed.), Growth and Decline in the Anglican Communion, 1980 to the Present (Abingdon: Routledge, 2017), considers the views of  Jesus, Paul, David Gitari, Martin Laird, Chou En Lai and Thomas Cranmer on mission and the growth and decline of the Church.


Witnessing to Children and Young People

28/07/2023    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

My Response to Vicentia Kgabe's chapter 'Evangelizing and Witnessing in a Church where Young People are not Excluded, Left Behind or Forgotten' in Muthuraj Swamy and Stephen Spencer (eds), Witnessing Together: Global Anglican Perspectives on Evangelism and Witness - Preparing for Lambeth 2020 (Anglican Communion Office, 2019), pp 56-59. The conference was in Dallas, Texas, May 2018.


Training Ground: Ridley Hall, Cambridge 1978-80

14/03/2023    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

I wrote this article at the end of my time at Ridley Hall theological college, Cambridge, where I trained for ordination 1978-80. It was published in the first edition of Crossway, a magazine of the Church Society.


Simon Barrington-Ward: Life and Memories

24/02/2023    from Simon Barrington-Ward

Graham Kings

My Introduction to Exchange of Gifts: The Vision of Simon Barrington-Ward (Ekklesia, 2022) edited by me and Ian Randall.


Influence of a Great Anglican: Simon Barrington-Ward, Jan 2022

12/02/2022    from The Times

Graham Kings

'Influence of great Anglican crossed culture and creed', my Credo article 22 Jan 2022, commissioned by The Times, on Simon Barrington-Ward, including mention of Exchange of Gifts: The Vision of Simon Barrington-Ward (Ekklesia, 2022) edited by me and Ian Randall.


8. Influence of a Great Anglican: Simon Barrington-Ward

28/01/2022    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

My Credo article, 22 Jan 2022, commissioned by The Times, on Simon Barrington-Ward, including mention of Exchange of Gifts: The Vision of Simon Barrington-Ward (Ekklesia, 2022) edited by me and Ian Randall.


7. Imaginary Interview about Nourishing Mission: Theological Settings

19/01/2022    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

An imaginary interview with Graham Kings about Nourishing Mission: Theological Settings (Brill, 2022) published orginally on Covenant here and republished with permission.


6. Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide: Silver Jubilee

20/03/2021    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

The five ways in which the Cambridge Centre for Christianity Worldwide is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year: launch of 'Friends of the Centre'; launch of a book of global Anglican perspectives on prayer; a history of the Centre; five lectures, 'Transfiguring World Christianity'; and a book of 25 essays, Connecting Christianities.


3. Review of 'Imagining Mission with John V. Taylor'

16/11/2020    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

My Ponderings for November is my review, commissioned, and accepted for publication in 2021, by the journal Modern Believing, of the book Imagining Mission with John V. Taylor by Jonny Baker and Cathy Ross (SCM Press, 2020). My poem, 'Thanksgiving: Bishop John V Taylor' was published in Nourishing Connections (Canterbury Press, 2020) and may be seen here.


'Sarah', Selwyn College, Cambridge, 25 Oct 2020

16/11/2020    from Sermons

Graham Kings

My sermon at Evensong at Selwyn College, Cambridge, on Sun 25 Oct 2020, preceded by the world premiere of Tristan Latchford's anthem, 'Sarah', based on my poem and on the painting by Silvia Dimitrova. The whole service may be viewed here and my sermon begins at 46 mins.


The Redress of Mission: Ramsden Sermon University of Cambridge, 31 May 1998

09/09/2020    from Sermons

Graham Kings

I was invited by the Vice-Chancellor to preach the University of Cambridge 'Ramsden Sermon' on 31 May 1998, at Great St Mary's, the University Church.

It is an annual sermon to be preached on Whit Sunday (the day of Pentecost) on the subject of 'Church Extension Overeas especially in the Commonwealth of Nations'.

It was published in Anvil 16.1 (1999), pp. 7-11.


1. Nourishing Connections: Introducing the Website

06/09/2020    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

In this, the first of my Ponderings, I introduce this new website, 'Nourishing Connections: theology, mission, poetry'.


Jesus Christ, Saviour of the World, Henry Martyn Centre Valedictory Lecture

30/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

Valedictory lecture by Graham Kings, Director of the Henry Martyn Centre, Cambridge Theological Federation, 5 June 2000, Westminster College, Cambridge




South Sudan, The Promised Land, 9 July 2011

30/07/2020    from The Guardian

Graham Kings

Graham Kings, Bishop of Sherborne, represented the Archbishop of Canterbury at the Independence celebrations of South Sudan on 9 July 2011 in Juba. The Guardian commissioned this article, which was published on 18 July 2011.


Foundations for Mission and the Study of World Christianity: the Legacy of Henry Martyn BD

28/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

Lecture given at Westminster College, Cambridge, 22 Jan 1996, to celebrate the opening of the Henry Martyn Library at its new location in Westminster College.


BBC Radio 4 talk on Archbishop David Gitari 1996

26/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

Norman Winter, a BBC Radio 4 producer, asked me present three Radio 4 short programmes in July 1996 on my three favourite books the Henry Martyn Library. This is my script of the third one, on Archbishop David Gitari's book, In Season and Out of Season: Sermons to a Nation (Oxford: Regnum, 1996). It was broadcast on 26 July 1996.


BBC Radio 4 talk on Olaudah Equiano 1996

26/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

Norman Winter, a BBC Radio 4 producer, asked me present three Radio 4 short programmes in July 1996 on my three favourite books the Henry Martyn Library. This is my script of my second one, on Olaudah Equiano, broadcast on 19 July 1996.


BBC Radio 4 talk on Abdul Masih 1996

26/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

Norman Winter, a BBC Radio 4 producer, asked me present three Radio 4 short programmes in July 1996 on my three favourite books the Henry Martyn Library. This is my script of my second one, on Abdul Masih, broadcast on 12 July 1996.


Prayer, Mission and Family Life: CMS News-Letter June 1998

26/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

In preparation for the bicentenary of the Church Mission Society in 1999, I was asked to write the CMS News-Letter for June, July and Aug 1998. It is called an Occasional Paper since only General Secretaries of CMS write the News-Letter.


Cool Walking: Called to be Fully Human 1997

26/07/2020    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

The Theological Resource Network of the Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion met in Kingston Jamaica in April 1997, in preparation for the Lambeth Conference of 1998. This paper was presented then and published with the other conference papers in Transformation 15.1 (1998).


Poetry in Mission 18 Guidelines Bible Study Notes

04/06/2020    from Bible Reading Notes

Graham Kings

This is the third series of Bible Study Notes which I was invited to write for Guidelines (Bible Reading Fellowship, 2000).


An Indispensable Account of the Global History of Christianity

13/05/2019    from Fulcrum Articles

Graham Kings

Book review of Brian Stanley, Christianity in the Twentieth Century: A World History (Princeton University Press, 2018).


God Writes Straight with Crooked Lines Interweavings No 23 July 2017

31/07/2017    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

For July's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the future of the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project, its publications, programmes, partners and people, and asks for prayers for a new venture.


Fiji: Mission in Oceania - Contexts and Currents Interweavings No 22 June 2017

20/07/2017    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

For June's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference in Suva, Fiji.


Jerusalem Intercontinental Webinar, Interweavings No 20, April 2017

11/04/2017    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

For April's Interweavings, Bishop Graham reflects on the recent Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion conference, a webinar hosted by St George's College, Jerusalem.

This article was also published on the Covenant website, available here:


Four Sabbatical Scholars at Durham, Cambridge and Oxford: Interweavings Number 17, January 2017

27/01/2017    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

Bishop Graham's Interweavings for January looks at the four Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Sabbatical Scholars in the UK.



Bengaluru: Contextual Mission in India: Interweavings Number 15, November 2016

23/12/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

Bishop Graham's 15th Interweavings is a reflection of his time in Bengaluru for the Mission Theology Conference in October 2016.

This article is also available to read on Covenant: 


Rome: 50th Anniversary Symposium and Lecture: Interweavings Number 14, October 2016

18/11/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

Bishop Graham's October Interweavings reflects on his visit to Rome for the 50th Anniversary of the Anglican Centre in Rome, and a lecture he gave at the Pontifical Urban University.


Cuba: Mission Studies and Missional Formation: Interweavings Number 13, September 2016

30/09/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

In September Bishop Graham travelled to Cuba to be part of the World Council of Churches, Council for World Mission and Evangelism (CWME) consultation in Matanzas. Here he reflects on his time there.


Sarah the Mother of Mission: Interweavings No 11, July 2016

25/07/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

Bishop Graham spoke on Sarah as the Mother of Mission, using Genesis 18 and the painting by Silvia Dimitrova, at Durham Cathedral and Lambeth Palace for the Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion project.


Cairo Conference: Interweavings No 9 May 2016

31/05/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

Bishop Graham's May Interweavings reflects on the time he spent in Cairo for the first Mission Theology in the Anglican Communion Conference.


Raising up the Voices of new 'Doctors of the Church'

19/06/2015    from Mission Theology Articles

Graham Kings

The faith background of Graham Kings and the priorities of the post of Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion, published originally in Anglican World, the magazine of the Communion and republished with permission.
