Beer and Theology        

Articles / chapters on...

In 2016, I founded the informal, monthly, Friday seminar 'Beer and Theology' (@BeerandTheology) at the Angel Pub, Rotherhithe, near Bermondsey, on the south bank of the River Thames, London. It is now organised by Guido de Graaff and Deborah Halling and is open to all. email: The list of dates, speakers and subjects is here:

In 2020, I founded 'Beer and Theology Cambridge' (@BeerTheologyCam) which meets six times a year on the third Monday of the month at the Fort St George Pub, Cambridge. It is open to all. Just turn up or email: 

The list of dates, speakers and subjects is here:

Beer and Theology Cambridge

13/12/2020    from Beer and Theology

Graham Kings

History, dates, speakers and subjects of Beer and Theology Cambridge


Beer and Theology London

12/12/2020    from Beer and Theology

Graham Kings

History, dates, speakers and subjects of Beer and Theology London
