Articles / Chapters
Articles / chapters on...
GoodFriday AnglicanCommunion ChurchofEngland prayer Dimitrova Coventry TristanLatchford women Reformed evangelism Belgrade Orthodox WorldChristianity Kenya Cross Resurrection Tutu MagdaleneCollege Unity JesusPrayer mission MaundyThursday DioceseofCoventry FugueStateFilmsWalbrook Gitari TheologicalEducation WildWood Ross Witts Prayer SilviaDimitrova Cambridge Welby RidleyHall SPCK Kabare music Easter Mission CMS Anglican Women poetry Catholic Serbian Croatia Yugoslavia Murray Vinkovci Zagreb Theology Evangelism theology Spirituality Bible Apartheid sermon teaching Selwyn HolyWeek
15. World Premiere in Wren's Church, St Stephen, Walbrook
25/04/2023 from Ponderings

I describe the excitement of commissioning a short film to be made by Fugue State Films of the world premiere of Tristan Latchford’s seven anthems, ‘Celebrating Women in the Bible’, 14 June 2023, at Wren’s masterwork of a parish church, St Stephen’s Walbrook, London. Published originally 24 April 2023 on Covenant here.

Esther, St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge 26 Sept 2021
05/10/2021 from Sermons

My sermon at St Andrew's Church, Chesterton, Cambridge on Sunday 26 September 2021, 10am, expounding the Book of Esther. The Old Testament reading was Esther 4.6-17.

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