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Nourishing Memories Chap 7: Cambridge and Yugoslavia
05/04/2023 from Nourishing Memories
I continue my cumulative memoir, Nourishing Memories, recounting my training at Ridley Hall theological college and Selwyn College, Cambridge, 1978-80, and my research visit to Yugoslavia in June 1980, meeting leaders of the Roman Catholic, Serbian Orthodox and Protestant churches. Republished with permission from Covenant: link to original, 27 Mar 2023, is here.
Training Ground: Ridley Hall, Cambridge 1978-80
14/03/2023 from Global South Christianity
I wrote this article at the end of my time at Ridley Hall theological college, Cambridge, where I trained for ordination 1978-80. It was published in the first edition of Crossway, a magazine of the Church Society.
© 2025 Graham Kings / Melchior