Articles / Chapters        

Articles / chapters on...

22. Time for a Mary After a Martha? The Next Archbishop of Canterbury

12/02/2025    from Ponderings

Graham Kings

I consider the six post-war Archbishops of Canterbury, reflect on the archiepiscopate of Justin Welby, offer descriptions of six Church of England bishops who may turn out to be among the candidates to succeed him and outline the process of choosing the next Archbishop. This Ponderings was first published on Covenant, the online journal of The Living Church, in two parts. Part One (sections 1 and 2) on Mon 10 Feb 2025 and Part Two (sections 3 and 4) on Tues 11 Feb 2025.


Influence of a Great Anglican: Simon Barrington-Ward, Jan 2022

12/02/2022    from The Times

Graham Kings

'Influence of great Anglican crossed culture and creed', my Credo article 22 Jan 2022, commissioned by The Times, on Simon Barrington-Ward, including mention of Exchange of Gifts: The Vision of Simon Barrington-Ward (Ekklesia, 2022) edited by me and Ian Randall.


African Joy of the Gospel: Interweavings No 8 April 2016

29/04/2016    from Mission Theology Interweavings

Graham Kings

I left Lusaka, Zambia with fond memories of family celebrations, hospitality, delight in God and the African joy of the gospel.
