Articles / Chapters
Simon Barrington-Ward: Life and Memories
24/02/2023 from Simon Barrington-Ward

My Introduction to Exchange of Gifts: The Vision of Simon Barrington-Ward (Ekklesia, 2022) edited by me and Ian Randall.

Succession - the Comforter
18/10/2022 from Sermons

My sermon, 'Succession - The Comforter' at Fitzwilliam College, University of Cambridge, on Sun 16 Oct 2022. The reading was John 16.1-11. It may be seen on YouTube here, starting 1 hour 12 minutes in - the recording started during the choir rehearsal.

'Identity and Being Safe' Confirmation at St Andrew's Chesterton 20 June 2021
22/06/2021 from Sermons

My confirmation sermon at St Andrew's Chesterton, Cambridge, 20 June 2021 on Mark 4: 35-41.
It may be seen on YouTube here at 16 mins.

The Redress of Mission: Ramsden Sermon University of Cambridge, 31 May 1998
09/09/2020 from Sermons

I was invited by the Vice-Chancellor to preach the University of Cambridge 'Ramsden Sermon' on 31 May 1998, at Great St Mary's, the University Church.
It is an annual sermon to be preached on Whit Sunday (the day of Pentecost) on the subject of 'Church Extension Overeas especially in the Commonwealth of Nations'.
It was published in Anvil 16.1 (1999), pp. 7-11.

Living in Time with the Rhythm of the Church's Year, Oct 2008
31/07/2020 from The Times

Graham Kings, Vicar of St Mary's Islington, was commissioned by The Times to write the Saturda 'Credo' column on 11 Oct 2008, on his new book, Signs and Seasons: a guide to your spiritual journey (Canterbury Press, 2008).