Articles / Chapters        

Articles / chapters on...

Anglican Mission

02/01/2024    from Global South Christianity

Graham Kings

My chapter 13 in David Hilborn and Simo Frestadius (eds), Anglicans and Pentecostals in Dialogue (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2023), republished with permission.


The Redress of Mission: Ramsden Sermon University of Cambridge, 31 May 1998

09/09/2020    from Sermons

Graham Kings

I was invited by the Vice-Chancellor to preach the University of Cambridge 'Ramsden Sermon' on 31 May 1998, at Great St Mary's, the University Church.

It is an annual sermon to be preached on Whit Sunday (the day of Pentecost) on the subject of 'Church Extension Overeas especially in the Commonwealth of Nations'.

It was published in Anvil 16.1 (1999), pp. 7-11.


The Edge: The Episcopal Church - Sept 2007, Fulcrum Newsletter 5

18/09/2007    from Fulcrum Newsletters

Graham Kings

In his fifth Fulcrum Newsletter, just prior to the Archbishop of Canterbury's visti to the House of Bishops of The Episcopal Church in New Orleans, Graham wrote about the two extreme 'edges' that the Anglican Communion needed defending against: 'automomous rootless liberalism' and 'independent relentless puritanism'. He drew on the wisdom of Lancelot Andrewes, Richard Hooker and S T Coleridge. It was copublished with the Church of England Newspaper on 21 Sept 2007.


Shechem, Corinth and Columbus: ECUSA’s Choices - June 2006, Fulcrum Newsletter 8

13/06/2006    from Fulcrum Newsletters

Graham Kings

The eighth Fulcrum Newsletter written just before General Convention of The Epsicopal Church of the USA (ECUSA) , which met in Columbus, Ohio, 13-21 June 2006. Graham devloped a 'Quadrant' to help to map the various groups in the Anglican Communion: Federal Liberals, Communion Liberals, Communion Conservatives and Federal Conservatives.
