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With Revd Dr John Samuel Raj, Principal of UTC College Raphael's Poetry fresco, with matching portrayal in ceiling of Room of the Signature Good Fri 2003 Face of Christ with clothes in St Mary's by Miriam KIngs Photo Barry Dunnage Fulcrum Conference 2007 Being Disciples Rowan Williams St Mary Islington Bangladesh Thakurgaon Leprosy clinic Graham Kings 1994 Photo GK Tom Wright and Graham Kings, Fulcrum press launch 5 Nov 2003 St Matthew's Westminster Stephen Spencer, Muthuraj Swamy, Tonderai Muzhinji, Emmanuel Oba'a, Christopher John Nairobi Cathedr Anthony Poggo, Bishop of Kajo Keji, greets Graham, Bishop of Sherborne, after sharing in a confirmation service in Salisbury Cathedral, July 2010.