
Salisbury - Sudan Partnership in Mission Link

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The Diocese of Salsibury has had a Partnership in Mission link with the Episcopal Church in Sudan since 1973. Graham visited in 2009 (Juba, for Provincial Synod), in 2011 (Juba, for the Inauguration of South Sudan), in 2012 (Malakal, to lead a clergy course) and 2014 (Kajo-Keju, for the House of Bishops meeting).

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Zimbabwean sculpture 1960 unknown artist, St Mary's Islington, photo Barry Dunnage Turkana elders during confirmation service at Epinding, Isiolo 1985 Photo GK Conference room, St Paul's University, with Joseph Galgalo presenting Church of the Annunciation, Nazareth Graham and Alison Kings, David Stancliffe (Bp of Salisbury) and Stephen Conway (Bp of Ramsbury) 2009 Canterbury Cathedral Bishop Graham with students from the Alexandrian School of Theology Vernon and Hilda Davies