
St Andrew's College, Kabare, Library

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Attendees contemplate the painting Bishop Hilary Garang and Graham July 2013, Chapel at Sherborne House Graham Kings with David Stancliffe, Bishop of Salisbury Hilary Garang, Bishop of Malakal, artist and theologian  Feb 2012, Malakal, South Sudan Griphus Gakuru presenintg his seminar paper at Lambeth Palace Short video of The Very Revd Hosam Naoum, Dean of St George's Cathedral, Jerusalem and Manager of St George's College, opening our Webinar this afternoon at 2.00pm Jerusalem time (8.00am Recife time and 8.00pm Tokyo time). Room of the Signature, Vatican Museum, Raphael's frescos of Philosophy, Theology, Justice and Poetry [GK video] Dr James Harding of St Mellitus College with Dr Robert Oh