
World Council of Churches, Geneva, Nov 2015

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In November 2015, Graham visited the World Council of Churches Offices in Geneva and then stayed at the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey.

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With the Fijian captain of a boat, who is also a Pentecostal Pastor Rev Hema Latha John moderating at the MTA Conference, Bangalore Good Fri 2003 Upper Street Islington Cross and dancers Photo Barry Dunnage Iconic painting at Bossey Ecumenical Institute Hielke Wolters, Associate General Secretary in Chapel of WCC Kabare Passion Play Oct 1991, Joseph Galgalo as Jesus cleansing the Temple Photo GK Good Fri 2006 local congregations at St Mary's Photo Barry Dunnage Rt Revd Dr Graham Kings - speaking about the Mission Theologian in the Anglican Communion Post. Recorded in The Center for Anglican Communion Studies, Virginia Theological Seminary, in May 2015.