
Archbishop Justin's visit to Pope Francis Oct 2016

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In October 2016, to celebrate the 50th Anniversary of Archbishop Michael Ramsey's visit to Pope Paul VI, the Archbishop of Canterbury visited Pope Francis. In San Gregorio, Rome, they commissioned 19 pairs of Catholic and Anglican Bishops for united mission. A symposium, celebrating the work of the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission and the Anglican Centre in Rome, was held at the Pontifical Gregorian University. Graham gave a lecture at the Pontifical Urban University. His Interweavings article is here. Photos by GK.

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Durham Miner's Banner processed into Tanfield church, Durham Diocese Christine Lienemann-Perrin, Prof Emerita of Ecumenics and Mission Studies, Basel University Victor Virdi Good Fri 2006 carring the Cross in porch of St Mary's Photo Barry Dunnage Andrew Norman, Vernon White, Shannon Preston and Tim Naish Windmill, Epinding, Isiolo 1988 Photo GK Graham Kings listening to the sermon Justin Webb interviews Dr Graham Kings, Bishop of Sherborne, on BBC Radio 4 Today Programme 23 Dec 2013 on the Persecution of Christians in the Middle East. Farewell sermon at St Mary's Church, Islington, Photo Victor Virdi