
Mission Theology UK Seminar Wonsuk Ma Feb 2016

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Dr Wonsuk Ma, Executive Director of the Oxford Centre for Mission Studies, presented a seminar paper on 'The Growth of Global Christianity: Shape and Significance for Theology' at Lambeth Palace on 12 Feb and at Durham University on 24 Feb 2016.

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Mount Kenya, Graham Kings at foot of Lenana glacier 1987 Photo Rob Martin Windmill, Epinding, Isiolo 1988 Photo GK Reading of the Epistle, Galatians 3:23-end, by Carla Cooper, youth group St Mary Islington Elochukwa Uzukwu, Professor of Misson, Duquese University Plenary Anglican Primates at the Symposium at the Gregorian University Ian Mylam, Lay Reader photo GK Good Fri 2003 people burying Face of Christ under the Holy Table Photo Barry Dunnage