
Fulcrum Conferences 2005-18

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Fulcrum Conferences 2005, 2006 and 2007 were at St Mary Islignton, 2008 at Union Chapel, Islington, 2009 and 2013 at Christ Church New Malden, and 2018 at Lambeth Palace.

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Good Fri 2003 Upper Street Islington Cross and dancers Photo Barry Dunnage Becky Taylor and Dr Andrew Wheeler, Francis Omondi and Mark Oxbrow Good Fri 2003 Tom Mannion with Ali Eve (right) and her dancers and RC Bishop Bernard Longley Esther Mombo Revd Andrew Adano with Joseph Galgalo (far right) and Graham Kings at Bubisa school 1990 Presiding Bishop of Brazil, Francisco de Assis da Silva, joins in by Skype Library at St Andrew’s College, Kabare, reliefs by Benson Ndaka, filmed by GK Feb 2014 Paulo Ueti and Muthuraj Swamy