
Consecration of Graham Kings, W Abbey 24 June 2009

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Ordination and Consecration of Canon Dr Graham Kings, Vicar of St Mary's Islington, as Bishop, to serve as Bishop of Sherborne in the Diocese of Salisbury, 24 June 2009, the Birth of John the Baptist, Westminster Abbey, by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Dr Rowan Williams, and other bishops. Preacher: Professor David F. Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, University of Cambridge. Photos by Westminster Abbey

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Choir of Presbytarian University and Theological Seminary, Seoul Archbishop Mouneer and Bishop Graham at the MTA Cairo conference Dr Joanildo Burity Dr Prabhu Singh Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem Good Fri 2003 Bernard Longley, Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster (RC) and Radio 4 journalilst Photo BD Graham Kings and Elizabeth Joy Plenary discussion following the seminar paper