
Anglican Consultative Council, Lusaka, March 2016

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Anglican Consultative Council meeting at Lusaka, Zambia, 8-19 April 2016.

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Commissioning of the Mission Theologian Klippies Kritzinger, Professor of Mission, UNISA Good Fri 2009 Cross on St Mary's porch Photo Barry Dunnage Ein Kerem, traditional site of the Visitation of Mary to Elilzabeth, with Bishara Khoury and Muthuraj Swamy Church lunch being prepared at Lukura, Diocese of Kajo-Keji, South Sudan, 2014 Thomas Key Jung explained the three demonstrations on the eve of the commemoration of Liberation Day in Seoul After the service at St Christopher's Church, Nausori, near Suva, Fiji Church of England Liturgical Commission in Papal Appartments, Rome, April 2010