
St Mary's Church Islington colleagues

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Mari-Anna Auvinen-Pontinen, Kirsteen Kim, Steve Bevans, Miikka Ruokanen presenting the new Brill series on Theology, Mission and World Christianity Daniel Sankete, Maasai student at St Andrew's College, Kabare, with his family Easter 1986 Kajiado Photo GK St George's Cathedral, Jerusalem Eliphaz Maari and Zachary Ngarambe at Kabare 1986 Photo GK Stuart Buchanan and Evie Vernon Dr Wonsuk Ma in full flow at Lambeth Palace 1985 Kabare Mothers Union play: a 'Mundu Mugo' (Medicine Man) meets Edmund Crawford Photo GK Episcopal Church in Matanzas, with the Rector, Tulia Sanchez, Bard Maeland and Rienzie Perera